Archive for May, 2015

The book begins with the onset of a mysterious shadow and proceeds with attempts to explore its meaning and potential threat. It also attempts to explore the darkness found in the human heart and possible ways to correct it. There’s also a third element, which is beyond human agency.

How much of fiction and fantasy these days is consumed with the endless search for some sort of third-party resolution to our problems and social issues? Our institutions seem to have failed us and our society sometimes seems on the verge of some horrendous shift in purpose, while most of us are vaguely aware that anything at all is happening. It has been said that literature is merely a mirror of society. If so, then we are indeed in the grasp of a dark creeping shadow.

Will we find a solution in ourselves or will we be overtaken by a nightmarish destiny of our own making? In the real world there is no magnificent hero on a gallant steed riding to the rescue. There is only the creeping shadow … and no one knows what lies beyond or within it.

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Presently, my publisher is featuring a 25% discount on THE SHADOW ZONE until 31 July 2015 and this creates greater reduction from the already featured dpInk deep pocket discounts.

The upcoming national holiday is a time to pause and remember those who gave their lives in service to our nation and communities – military, police, firefighters and others. It is a time to appreciate the ultimate personal sacrifice paid by so many.

Unfortunately the purpose of the day has been diluted and obfuscated by a fanatic militarism which has infected our country and is leading us to ruin. Our Memorial Day is dedicated to individuals who have left us with their personal legacy, NOT to brandishing the machinery of global war. Yet reprisal and revenge has supplanted respect for our honored dead. It has no place on the quiet ground where many now rest in peace.

Those of us who survived military service and its schemes appreciate more greatly the gift of personal investment that others have bequeathed by their sacrifice. It should be remembered that those who have died gave up all they had and all they hoped to have. They gave everything.

They should be remembered.

Writing of any sort can be immensely satisfying.  When words are well received its nice to know you’ve provided a little illumination in your corner of the world.  When words are not received its hard to know whether one has missed the mark or is just missing.

Has my new novel THE SHADOW ZONE provided a useful entertaining story?   Many of those who’ve bought the book have told me it does.  Some even say they can’t put it down until the last page has been read.

What do you think?  Let’s read what YOU have to say on the matter.

Visit the publisher for major discounts from retailers.

Presently, my publisher is featuring a 25% discount on THE SHADOW ZONE until 31 July 2015 and this creates greater reduction from the already featured dpInk deep pocket discounts.